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Register now for SAT 2025! 

SAT was organized in 1977 for furthering communication among Forensic Toxicologists in the area of analytical methods and interpretation of findings. Most of our members represent laboratories in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas, Arkansas, Colorado and Louisiana. Laboratory services are being provided for police agencies, medical examiners, racing regulatory agencies, hospitals, drug-free workplaces and academic institutions.


James C. Garriott  Meeting Grant Application

The James C. Garriott grant was established to encourage toxicologists at the bench level to present their own research or validations, interesting cases their laboratories have come across.   Click below for more information and an application to apply for the Garriott Meeting Grant.

SAT Meeting Grant Application.pdf


Dr. Kurt Dubowski Research Grant

Student research opportunities!  Click below to find out more about our Student Research Grant Program!!!

SAT Research Grant Application.pdf 


Are you interested in joining the Southwestern Association of Toxicologists?  Click below to get started!

Membership Application

Professions and locations change!  We understand that.  If you would like to discontinue your membership, please notify the Membership Chair

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